Shipping Policy
Shipping times for custom products will vary depending on complexity, quantity and a multitude of factors. On average, most products take 2-4 weeks from digital proof approval until they can be shipped to you.
Most orders will be shipped to ArcherCustomShop's office from the factories and you will be emailed once the factory has shipped them to us to double check your address is accurate. Once we receive the products, they ship within 24 hrs to you. Tracking and a photo will be provided via the order email thread. Most items ship EMS and some larger order may ship UPS/DHL/FedEx.
If you have a very large order or live outside of the USA, your orders will be shipped directly to you via FedEx Express. You will be provided tracking at the time of shipment. Transit times for direct shipments can take on average 3-7 business days from when shipped by the factory.